What happens at a competition?
A FIRST® LEGO® League competition is a high-energy, exciting event. Teams will have three robot runs in a sports arena-like atmosphere. During a 2.5-minute run, they will have their robot attempt as many missions as possible. They will also have three judged events:
- Presenting their research and innovative solution.
- Explaining their robot design.
- Judged on their teamwork by core values.
Approximate Cost for a First Year Team
- EV3 Robot Set (reuseable each year, purchased through LEGO education) $420
- National Team Registration and Challenge set (Paid to FIRST) $300
- Regional Tournament Registration (Paid to EmBe) $65
- State Championship Registration (Paid to EmBe) $150 – not all teams advance to the State Championship
How do I find/start a team?
EmBe does not create the teams; you do. Teams can be part of school groups, 4-H, community groups, neighborhood groups, church groups, or just a group of friends who want to experience the fun and excitement of FIRST® LEGO® League.
What does the FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge season look like?
- May – September: Teams form, register, and order materials
- August: The challenge is released, and teams begin to prepare for the qualifying competitions
- October: Registration for Regional Qualifiers opens
- December: Regional Qualifiers
- Late January – February: State Championships
What happens at a festival?
A FIRST® LEGO® League Explore festival is a highly creative and exciting event. Teams will share what they have learned through the season by talking about their Show Me Poster and themed LEGO construction. Their audience is parents, volunteers, FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams, and other FIRST® LEGO® League Explore teams. Explore teams will visit with a Reviewer who will guide the team in talking about their project, their teamwork, and what they have learned. Reviewers will determine which award best matches the achievements of the team. Festivals are alongside FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge competitions, so teams get to share in the fun and exciting atmosphere.
Approximate Cost for a First Year Team
- We-Do 2.0 Robot Set (reuseable each year, purchased through LEGO education) $200
- National Team Registration and Inspire Set (Paid to FIRST) $100
- Expo Registration (Paid to EmBe) $25
How do I find/start a team?
EmBe does not create the teams; you do. Teams can be part of school groups, 4-H, community groups, neighborhood groups, church groups, or just a group of friends who want to experience the fun and excitement of FIRST LEGO League Explore. If you are looking for a team, you can attend one of our information sessions and find like-minded people.
What does the FIRST LEGO League Explore season look like?
- May – September: teams form, register, and order their materials
- August: The challenge is released, and teams begin to prepare for the qualifying competitions
- October: Registration for Festivals opens
- December: Festivals